Video review of the product

Preview of the video review form

Post a product review video through QForm. Tell us about the product in live video format, without interfering with the usual interaction with the site. Download the video, set the display type and enter the tool in a few simple steps

QForm video image contains:

  • display settings
  • Adaptability
  • Operability on all content management systems
  • Ability to post any number of videos
QForm Video widgets

We put a product review using a video image

Demonstrate the features and capabilities of the product to increase customer loyalty and trust.

For this:

Register QForm and add your website

Adding a website in the QForm service

Go to the "video tool" tab to create an item

Adding a video review to QForm

Setting up the tool looks like this:

Name the utility and attach the video file in the upload field.
If necessary, provide a description of the tool

Setting up a video on the QForm website

Choose the type of video presentation based on your goals. For example, the tour. It will be fixed in the lower corner in the form of a miniature

Type of video review on the site

You can add a button with the target action to any video. Its appearance can be tied to time , and the text can be changed depending on the context

QForm action buttons for video review

After completing the settings, add the widget.
Copy the code and paste it on the site

Copying the QForm code

Go to the Settings tab, open the Embed Code section, copy and paste the script into the location inside the "Header"
After all the settings, the video will appear on the site, fixed in the corner of the page

Video review script

Get Started Now

Create an unskippable form

Advantages of Video Review QForm

Statistics of video views to the site

Show statistics

Connect and configure goal fulfillment submission to the analytics system. Analysis and optimization of widget objectives

Background loading of the widget video

Asynchronous download

The loading speed of the site is not reduced. The tool loads in the background, after the site has loaded and rendered

Managing widget display

Impression management

Show the video to the visitor immediately upon page load, or set up an event to trigger - when an element is clicked or hovered over

Integration of buttons with a target action

Call-to-action button

Add a button with the desired click. Send the user to a specific block on the page, redirect to another page or open the feedback form

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