Quiz testing

Store search

store search

Quiz survey

QForm quiz test example

English language competition

QForm 2 quiz test example

Marketing quiz

QForm 4 quiz test example

Purchase of equipment

QForm 5 quiz test example

Choosing a tour

QForm 6 quiz test example

Create test tests in a playful way through the QForm service. Prepare questions in a convenient constructor that prompts the visitor to choose a product. Process applications in the built-in CRM or export them to your own

QForm tests have:

  • Integration with CRM
  • Display control
  • Mail and Messenger notifications
  • Sending goals to analytics systems
  • Antispam and much more
QForm Constructor Settings

Create a quiz to attract new customers

Place a quiz with the test on the site, engaging users in a dialogue with each new question

For this:

Register with QForm and add your website

Adding a website in the QForm service

Create a form and name it. It is only displayed in QForm

Form for the project name

Switch to constructor mode, add and configure the required field types. For a step-by-step form, create a separate

section for each step Place the "Text Block". The field supports HTML code, with which you can add elements (headers, images, GIFs) and it is interesting to arrange the start of the test

A typical template for the form designer

For complex questions, combine field types. Place a "text block" with a description of the question, and next to it place the field "One from the list" with answer options

Quiz test combining field types

At the end of the test, ask the user to enter his data, where he will be sent the results of the survey, links to useful resources and bonuses (discount, promotional code)

Input forms for sending results

On the Design tab, go to the Form Fill Steps section and select one of the display options

Progress bar quiz QForm test

Go to the "Embed Code" tab
Copy the DIV to install the form and the script to name it, and paste it into the site

Testing is ideal for promoting courses, as after selecting the 'ideal major', the right course can be offered to the client

Script Introduction

Get Started Now

Create an unskippable form

Advantages of test testing in QForm

CSS styles in the qform service

Apply your own styles

Disable the built-in QForm format and use your own CSS styles. Take a test according to the design of your website

Sending forms without reloading

Test progress

Choose the progress view: progress bar or completed steps, vertically or horizontally

File upload function

adding photos

Set pictures of the answer options to visually improve the test and make the passage more interesting

Using GIF animation in forms

Use animated GIFs

Put a "text block" at any stage of the test. You can add an animated GIF image inside this block

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