Cost calculation

Delivery Quiz

Delivery of a quiz

Quiz from the cleaning service

cleaning services

Room rental quiz

Room rental quiz

Room reservation quiz

Room reservation quiz

Celebration organization

Organization of the holiday

Quiz anti-cafe

Quiz anti-cafe

Create any quizzes to calculate the cost of services on the QForm service. Set up questions with parameters in a convenient constructor and insert a quiz in a few simple steps. Set up notifications so that you don't miss any application and process it in the built-in CRM.

QForm quizzes have:

  • Goal settings in analytics systems
  • Field Constructor
  • Preset styles
  • Managing applications
  • Spam protection and much more
QForm Constructor Settings

Making a quiz calculation of the cost of the services offered

Conduct a survey and select individual offers that will help bring all the client's ideas to life.

For this:

Register on QForm and add your website

Website registration in QForm

Create a form and give it a name. It is displayed only in QForm

The name of your company in QForm

Switch to the constructor mode, add and configure the required field types. To get a step-by-step form, create a separate section for each step

Place the "Text Block". The field supports HTML tags, using which you can add elements (titles, pictures, GIFs) and it is interesting to arrange the beginning of the quiz

Constructor Mode

Add the fields "One from the list" or "Several from the list". Specify the title, complete the items with answer options and attach images

Field Options

At the end of the quiz, ask the user to enter their data, where the estimated cost and reward (discount, promo code) will be sent

Input fields

On the "Design" tab, go to the "Form Filling Steps" section and select one of the display options

Configuring Forms

Go to the "Embed Code" tab

Copy the DIV to install the form and the script to call it, paste it on the site

This quiz allows you to find out exactly what the client wants. This increases trust, as it demonstrates an individual approach to each client.

Script Introduction

Get Started Now

Create an unskippable form

Advantages of a quiz for cost calculation on QForm

QForm Features: Rights integration

User roles and permissions

Creation and differentiation of access rights to user information for individual users and their groups

CRM Applications

Works on all CMS

You can use the received quiz on Wordpress, Tilda, Joomla and any other engines

qform features: customize notifications

Notifications on Telegram and VK

Receive applications instantly in your social networks or messengers according to a given template

Form Preview

Customizable mail sending

Emails are sent by the QForm mail server or via your SMTP. For notifications about applications, you can specify multiple recipients and set unique notification templates

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