Simple and powerful business solutions

QForm allows you to create a form, a quiz and a video widget for a website without any development skills – through a simple and friendly interface

Unlike other services, we do not limit our users in functionality or the number of sites and applications. Our quiz and form builder is a simple and powerful tool for any business

How to insert a form on a website

Application processing system

The internal mini-CRM is ready to work
without additional settings

The system allows you to process and sort user requests from any forms and websites. They come to the CRM in real time, and the assigned operators work with them, changing the status of requests and maintaining a comment thread for each client

CRM records all relevant statistics on applications for the convenience of analytics and processing of requests. Integrations are also provided – mailing systems and other CRM systems can be connected to QForm, and applications can be sent to social networks and e-mail

Form Builder

A simple technology for creating forms of different types will allow you to do without development and save time

The tool offers all the necessary blocks and fields: date and time buttons, text lines, radio buttons, checkboxes, file upload and more

  • point Drag the fields
  • point Select the design
  • point Place the form on the site
  • point Receive applications and responses
To try

Quiz constructor

A service for creating multi-page online forms of surveys and tests. The format increases the trust of visitors and engages them to share their needs

Quizzes are successfully used in marketing and education. The test result will be different for each user, depending on their answers. The last step can be supplemented with a discount or bonus

  • point Think over the list of questions
  • point Set up the logic of the steps
  • point Copy and paste the code
  • point Attract customers
To try

Video widget

A module for easy embedding of videos and video reviews into websites. With it, you can add video greetings, reviews, new product announcements, live stories and reviews about the company to the page

Video increases trust in the brand and product, and the familiar format attracts users of social networks

  • point Record a video
  • point Create a widget with it
  • point Customize it for your site
  • point Track analytics
To try

It is very easy to understand the QForm service, but we can do this work for you!

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Convenience for the team

The QForm Web Form Builder frees programmers from routine and small tasks

It is possible to share site access rights in the service, which is convenient for large teams with different areas of responsibility

Assign an administrator or guest to manage access to the customer database and set up sending notifications. You choose who you want to assign the collection of received applications to eliminate errors and increase productivity.

Send invitations
Create groups
Assign roles

Examples of forms, questionnaires and forms

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